My kids....My heart

My kids....My heart

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There is only "We."

It amazes me how quickly we learn and forget lessons. There really is no “us” and “them.” There is only “we.” Ultimately, we will all come to a place in our lives where we fully understand this notion. My hope is that the timing does not come in our last hour.

Without a doubt, there are people in our lives who we hold closer to our hearts, we cheer for a little louder and we love with more passion. What we have to remember collectively is that those people may have a tighter hold on our heart strings but those relationships don’t fill our love to its capacity. Our capacity to love is limitless. Love for one human being NEVER limits the ability to love another – ever.

Withholding love from another because you are angry, disappointed or feel they’ve made poor life choices may buffer you from pain in the moment but ultimately you will suffer because you are closing off your own potential to love and feel loved. Withholding love is the most critical mistake of all. Personally, I’d rather suffer the short term hurt than lose the long term relationship.

Now, if I’m going to be on board the honesty boat (thank you Vanessa & Kate), I cannot pretend that I haven’t been guilty of passing judgment on another or feeling quite angry over decisions they’ve made in their own lives. Learning to love and embrace the person without loving and embracing each of their life decisions, is a freeing experience and a necessary one in opening your hearts and allowing the fullest opportunity to love. After all, it is not my job to critique the life decisions of others, nor is it anyone else’s. The purpose of our lives is not a complicated one – it is quite simple. Love one another, without judgment and without exception.

I’m feeling a bit preachy here and that is not my goal. My goal is simply to remind who ever may take the time to read this blog that time is not endless and we must love each other now. If we don’t get it today – we will someday – but will that day be one day too late?

1 comment:

Edna Guerrero said...

Thanks for sharing this! I love you Aunt Sherry