My kids....My heart

My kids....My heart

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Dad....

Has only 8 more days left of work! He will be entering the world of RETIREMENT!! You don’t know it as days go by how your life is impacted by those who raise you. I’d be the first to tell you about all the awesome ways my mom has impacted, shaped, molded, nurtured and all together gotten me thus far in my life… but my dad… those words come seldom. I didn't always see how his presence in my life shaped me. How his getting up EVERY SINGLE DAY and going to work…. Hard Work…. stuck in my mind. How he, without a spoken word, helped EVERY SINGLE person in our family who needed it. Everyone always knew that they could call our house home. Most of my days living at home were shared with family members living in the home provided by my dad. I would not be who I am if not for those days. I’m not sure I have ever thanked him for that. He deserves a heartfelt thanks.

There are absolutely no memories of my dad staying home from work.

AND NOW, he only has 8 days left. I am so excited and proud of him. He, above all, deserves to take it easy and enjoy his days…

He has indeed shaped my life, he has given me an extraordinary sense of loyalty and work ethic and I love him and thank him for that.

1 comment:

Misty Holt said...

Wow Aunt Sher, choke me up. I have to say that there is something to be said about a man who has spent his LIFE providing for his family. There is no doubt that you would not be the hard working woman that you are today if it weren't for your dad. I believe that dads have more of an impact on their daughters than mothers do. I believe that the way men treat their wives, work, conduct business, and how they treat others has a great impact on their children, but especially their daughters. There is no doubt that you had a great dad, role model, provider, and friend. I have always looked at Uncle Ernie with admiration, and I can't wait until his party, it is time to celebrate Uncle Ernie.